#BlackJack rules can be found here http://www.114pda.com/game/card/blackjack_rule.htm
import os import random def game(): os.system("cls") print "WELCOME TO PYTHON BLACKJACK" Cards = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] computerHand = deal() playerHand = deal() print "-------START GAME-------" print "Computer Hand: " + str(computerHand[0]) print "Player Hand: " + str(playerHand) print "\n-------Current Score-----" if(computeScore(playerHand) == 21): print "21! You win!" message() elif(computeScore(computerHand) == 21): print "21! Computer Wins!" message() print computeScore(playerHand) cardHit = raw_input("Do you want to hit (Y/N): ") while(cardHit == "y" or cardHit == "Y" ): hit(playerHand) print "\n------NEW HAND SCORE------" print playerHand print computeScore(playerHand) if(len(playerHand) == 5 and computeScore(playerHand) < 21): print "Less than 5 and Under 21: YOU WIN " message() elif(bust(playerHand) == 1): print "BUST. You lose" message() else: cardHit = raw_input("Do you want to hit (Y/N): ") print "\n-------Computer Turn------" if(computeStrategy(computerHand) == "Hit"): hit(computerHand) print computerHand else: print "I'm done." print computerHand print "\n--------DETERMINE WINNER------" print "COMPUTER: " + str(computeScore(computerHand)) print "PLAYER : " + str(computeScore(playerHand)) if(winner(computerHand,playerHand) == "hand1" and bust(computerHand)==0): print "Computer won" elif(winner(computerHand,playerHand) == "hand2" and bust(playerHand) == 1): print "Computer won" elif(winner(computerHand,playerHand) == "hand1" and bust(computerHand) == 1): print "Player Won" elif(winner(computerHand,playerHand) == "hand2" and bust(playerHand) == 0): print "Player Won" message() def message(): again = raw_input("Do you want to play again? (Y/N) : ") if(again == "Y" or again == "y"): game() else: print "\n\n-------Thank you for playing!--------\n\n" exit() def deal(): random1 = random.randint(1,14) random2 = random.randint(1,14) if (random1 == 11):random1 = "J" if (random1 == 12):random1 = "Q" if (random1 == 13):random1 = "K" if (random1 == 14):random1 = "A" if (random2 == 11):random2 = "J" if (random2 == 12):random2 = "Q" if (random2 == 13):random2 = "K" if (random2 == 14):random2 = "A" hand = [random1,random2] return hand def computeScore(hand): total = 0 for cards in hand: if cards == "J" or cards == "Q" or cards == "K": total+= 10 elif cards == "A": if total == 11: total+= 1 else:total+= 11 else: total += cards return total def hit(hand): newCard = random.randint(1,14) if (newCard == 11):newCard = "J" if (newCard == 12):newCard = "Q" if (newCard == 13):newCard = "K" if (newCard == 14):newCard = "A" hand.append(newCard) return hand def computeStrategy(hand): strategy = "" if (computeScore(hand) > 15): strategy = "Stay" if (computeScore(hand) <=15): strategy = "Hit" return strategy def winner(hand1,hand2): score1 = computeScore(hand1) score2 = computeScore(hand2) if score1 > 21: return "hand2" if score2 > 21: return "hand1" if(score1 > score2): return "hand1" else: return "hand2" def bust(hand): if computeScore(hand) >= 21: return 1 else: return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": game()
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